Hallelujah! That was it.
... is the way these are instantiated different in 3.3.11 than it was in 3.3.10? I mean... I should have been using
P.S. I thought I had the right place for this question a la Extension Writers Forum, but I guess not since a mod moved it to Custom BBCode Development and Requests. Should I be posting questions about my extension here if they involve BBCodes? Regardless, y'all can put that checkmark on this post.
STATIC public function {...
... is the way these are instantiated different in 3.3.11 than it was in 3.3.10? I mean... I should have been using
the whole time, but I didn't notice because it didn't complain until after the update. Thanks, Joshy. That's three I owe you now. P.S. I thought I had the right place for this question a la Extension Writers Forum, but I guess not since a mod moved it to Custom BBCode Development and Requests. Should I be posting questions about my extension here if they involve BBCodes? Regardless, y'all can put that checkmark on this post.
Statistics: Posted by MedicineStorm — Thu Feb 29, 2024 7:53 pm