I'm not sure what "deleted all the database about VSE" means.
I deleted all the database about VSE, then reinstalled the activation, and found that it still has no effect, I select the text, then select the color, and extinguish there appears 123.
The normal procedure = a) disable extension (ACP), b) delete extension data (still in the ACP) c) delete extension files, and when that's done you could reinstall the extension.
How did you install your board? I used a tool provided by my host
That's a red flag already: Hosts may have "tweaked" the installation causing issues and that complicates support. Strictly speaking the host is the instance you should contact for support.
What styles do you currently have installed? Wildwest
You also have prosilver, does the issue also occur with that?
Statistics: Posted by warmweer — Mon Nov 11, 2024 9:40 am