Thank you!Yes, it's not as much work as you may think (ATM)Ok, when you say transfer my edits does that mean going line by line in the old colours.css to the new colours.css and making the changes to the newer colours.css?Strictly speaking recommending proprietary software is "frowned" upon as requirements differ from person to person (plus we don't all use the same OS)you mentioned earlier about a file comparer program, is there one you can recommend? I'm using Windows 11
However a search for "best file comparison software comes up with about 20 results. (half of those I've used)
Meld is free but limited ... but is more than OK for simple comparisons.
Some come with a 30 days (or different period) free trial so you can have a look and test a few.
Statistics: Posted by Terry2124 — Tue Oct 15, 2024 11:04 pm